Tuesday, June 26, 2012

18 Months


Oh how you have grown and how fast time is flying by.  It just cannot be possible that you are 18 months old already.  You had your 18 month check up a couple weeks ago and here are your stats:

Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 30"
Clothing: 12 Month
Shoes: Size 4
Diapers: Size 3
Teeth: 6 on top and 6 on the bottom

You are growing so much and have really started to talk.  You tell us about the cows and tractors all the time.  I think cow and tractor are your 2 favorite words.  Also, you have been working on potty training.  You will let us know when you need to poop and only sometimes when  you need to pee.  You will get there one of these days.  We took you swimming at Grandma Joy's house for the first time this summer and you LOVED it!  I think you are going to be a water baby.  You would "jump" off the side of the pool to me and liked kicking your feet in the water.  You kept trying to drink the pool water, so we had to try to keep your head up.  Mommy is so proud of you and loves to be with you and watch you grow.

It is almost fair time and I know that you will like it this year because you will be able to help us do things.  You love to help me mix feed for the show heifers and to pet them.  I can't wait til you can work with the cows and start showing them.  You love all of your animals.

I love you so very much beautiful,


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

90 Day Challenge and 5K

Ok so I am soooo tired of carrying around the rest of this nasty baby weight and I am 110% ready and motivated!  I have signed up to do the Body by Vi 90 day challenge.  I have set goals and limitations for myself and I am super excited about it.  Hopefully blogging about it will help to keep me motivated and I am hoping that you all will help me keep going too!  I am going to try to post pictures every 30 days to keep track of my progress.  So as much as I hate it I am going to post my before pictures at the end of this...yikes!

Starting Weight: 157.4
Chest: 37"
Waist: 36"
Hips: 42"

Goal Weight: 140 for the 90 day challenge 135 overall goal
Activity Goal: Run a 5k April 28th, 2012

Guidelines and Limitations:
NO Fast food
NO Junk food
NO Pop
Only healthy snacks (ex. fruits and veggies)
Workout everyday
Drink at least 64 oz of water a day

Going to start working out twice a day.  About 30 minutes in the morning and then at least an hour in the evenings.

Side View Day 1 January 24, 2012

Front View Day 1 January 24, 2012

Holidays and Update

I never got around to blogging about the holidays.  It was really good!  Whitley had a blast and we had a blast watching her.

We have so far had 4 Christmases and have 2 more this weekend.  Was going to wait til those were over but I decided to go ahead and do it now.

Whitley got everything she could ever imagine!  She is one super spoiled little girl.  We had to clear out all of her toys from before her birthday so that she would have room for her birthday and Christmas presents.  She still has a few that she hasn't played with because we simply have no more room for them!  I will have to post some pictures later.

I was super spoiled this year too!  I have been wanting a new camera for awhile now and was asking everyone to either give me money or gift cards to go toward it.  I figured I would wait til after my birthday to get it so that I would have more saved up.  Well, Robb decided that I needed it before Christmas morning so he took me on Christmas Eve to pick it out!  I got a Canon Rebel T2i and I love it!  I have taken over 1,000 pictures since then and will continue to take a million more.

I have also created a share site on Shutterfly.  I am going to try to keep it updated with family events and pictures for you all to see.  Here is the link:  http://pittsfamilyfarm.shutterfly.com/

This year is starting off great and I only hope it continues to get better.  It actually already has...I am going to be an aunt again!!  Billy and Megan are expecting baby #2 in August.  I am super excited for them and really looking forward to enjoying her pregnancy with her and the baby when he/she gets here.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1 Year


I still cannot believe that it has been a year since my whole world changed.  You are the greatest blessing that I could ever receive.  I love you so very much and cherish every moment I have with you.

You had your 1 year check up yesterday and her are your stats for the month:
Weight:  16 lbs 8 oz
Height:  28"
Clothing:  6-9 month
Shoes:  Size 3
Diaper:  Size 3
Teeth:  You have 4 upper and 2 lower.

You had a really good 1st birthday party.  All of your friend and family were there to help you celebrate.  You got so may toys that we had to have Grandma Joy help us take them home!  You had lots of fun opening your presents but what you liked the best were the balloons.  We still have a few floating around the house and you are still playing with them.  I am excited to see you at Christmas this year.  I know that you will have fun opening up all the good presents.  I have a feeling that Santa will be good to you too, because you have been very good this year.

I love you my beautiful baby girl,


Friday, November 4, 2011

11 Months


Not much longer til your 1st birthday!  Man has time flown.  It doesn't even seem possible that you are almost a year old.

Well, baby girl since the last time I wrote you started walking!  I thought once you started walking you would still be easy to keep track of since the whole time you were crawling you never went any further than the entry way in the house.  Oh how I was WRONG!  You are everywhere!  One minute you will be right beside me the next thing I know you are in your room playing or the laundry room.  You are a sneaky little walker!  You have also figured out how to open the dog's kennels.  They love you for that!  Once they are out you will sit in their pens and play in their water bowls.  You like to do this mostly right as we are trying to leave in the morning.

This weekend is the last weekend that it is suppose to be nice out, so I am going to try to get some pictures of you in your birthday outfit so that I can get your birthday invitations made.  I really need to be getting that done and soon!  Hopefully your will have fun at your birthday party and not be too shy.  You remind me so much of me when I was little when you are being shy.  I was always really shy when I was little.

I love you baby cakes!

Love you precious baby girl,


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Months


WOW!  It has been 10 months already and has been such a blessing!  I love you so very much and have no idea what I would do without you.

What you have been up to lately:

Teeth: 4 total, bottom middle 2 and side top 2.  You have a big gap on top and it is pretty darn cute!
Weight:  Around 15 1/2 lbs.
Height:  Haven't measured you since last month.
Mode of transportation:  You are still crawling quite a bit but you are walking just as much!

I am so proud of you my little Mighty Mouse!  You can do anything you put your mind to and I have no doubt in my mind that this will ever change.  You love the dogs so much and are trying to play with them more.  Diesel is getting better about letting you pet him and I think before too long you two are going to be best friends.  You laugh and laugh at the boys.  Your laughter is music to your mommy's ears!  I love to hear you laugh and talk.  Sometimes I even think you sing to me.

I love you baby cakes!  You are the most beautiful, wonderful, precious blessing in the world!

Love you sweet baby girl,


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

9 Months


Can't believe it is time to write another update!  Okay so I know that it is close to time to write another, but I don't want to miss this one.  You have been growing like a weed and continue to be the light of our lives.

You are still in the same diapers and clothes as last time but you have gained some weight and length!
Weight:  14 pounds 10 ounces
Length:  26"
You are eating 3 meals of solid food a day and it is usually big people food.  You are a pretty messy eater if mommy doesn't help you and then that means that you are pretty mad at mommy when it comes to having to get you cleaned up!

You can say mama and dada and I am convinced you can say dog.  You point at a dog and make a noise so I have been taking that as dog.  You are still crawling like crazy but you are cruising more and more.  You have also been standing some by yourself.

You love to crawl in, on and through anything you can!  Your favorites are your toy basket, end and coffee tables and the ball pit at daycare.

We love you and are so very very proud of you!  I know that love will only grow as you do and you will continue to make everyday so much better.

Love you my beautiful baby girl,
